@extends('layouts.default') @section('styles') @stop @section('scripts') @include('cdn.datatables') @stop @section('panel-heading') Approve User Registration @stop @section('content')

From this page, you can view all users who have registered, and approve or disapprove them. Approving users sends the user an email with a link to click, which sends them to a page which updates their status and allows them to log into the site. Users will not be able to log into their registered account until they have been registered.

@foreach ($preRegisteredUsers as $pru) @endforeach()
Last Name First Name Username Address Status Registered At Actions
{{ $pru->last_name }} {{ $pru->first_name }} {{ $pru->username }} {{ $pru->associationUnit ? $pru->associationUnit->address : '' }} {{ UserStatus::getStatusString($pru->user_status_id) }} {{ $pru->update_at ? $pru->updated_at->format("M d, Y g:i A") : '' }} @if ($pru->user_status_id & (UserStatus::Verified | UserStatus::Preregistered)) @endif