@extends('layouts.default') @section('styles') @stop @section('scripts') @include('cdn.datatables') @include('cdn.chosen') @stop @section('panel-heading') Fee Maintenance @stop @section('panel-presentation') @stop @section('content')

This page is used to add, edit and delete Association Fees. Fees can be applied to one or more residents, or can be universally applied to all residents. The fee information below determines what and how much residents will be charged when paying their membership dues online.

The name of the fee will be displayed on the payment page, as the name of the fee, along with the amount of the fee. The fee description is solely for the use of administrators to note what the fee is used for. If the Standard Charge for a fee is checked, that fee will be applied to all residents.

Along with the fees shown below, when making a payment online, a 2.9% processing fee will be added to the payment.
