@extends('layouts.Home') @section('styles') @stop @section('scripts') @stop @section('panel-heading') Welcome to the Astro Atomic Model @stop @section('content')

In the 1971 film 'Andromeda Strain', Dr. Charles Dutton draws a picture on the blackboard of a scientist examining a specimen under a microscope. A speech balloon from the slide says 'Take us to your leader". Although it's meant to be comical, this idea has led many thinkers, possibly yourself, to consider if life exists within the atomic scale. As children, many of us pictured atoms as tiny solar systems with electrons orbiting the nucleus. As we grew older and were taught more of the conventional theories about atoms, namely quantum mechanics, we were led to believe that atoms are nothing like tiny solar systems. This is what the conventional mainstream view of the atom tell us, but could these mainstream theories be wrong? What if the nature of atoms does actually resemble that of solar systems, and other astronomical phenomena?

The purpose of this site is to present a radical new theory of the atom, and to show the similarities between atoms and atomic phenomena to astrological bodies and their behavior. You may be thinking that this was already attempted and falsified in Bohr's solar system model. There is a enormous difference between Bohr's solar system and the AAM. Below are some of the main concepts of the AAM.

The Astro Atomic Model is a self-similar model.
In the Astro Atomic Model (AAM), atomic systems are analogous to planetary systems. Planetary systems are also analogous to galaxies, which are forming planetary systems on their own scale, with the core of the galaxy forming the star, and the star clusters forming the planets. This analogy continues in both directions, to infinity.
Electrons within atoms are the analogue of planets within planetary systems.
In the Astro Atomic Model (AAM), electrons are more appropriately called Planetrons. There is no relationship between the number of planetrons within an atom and an atom's atomic number. In the AAM, the concept of the orbital plane is somewhat related to the atomic number of an atom. Thus, the hydrogen atom, has a single orbital plane and is analogous to our solar system.
Our own solar system is the analogue of the Hydrogen atom.
Both our solar system and the Hydrogen atom contain a single orbital plane. Contrary to popular belief, the Hydrogen atom actually contains multiple electrons, called planetrons in the AAM. These planetrons are responsible for the atomic spectra of the Hydrogen atom.
There is no concept of positive and negative charges of atomic particles.
All particles, like astronomical bodies, attract each other by gravitational forces. The gravitational forces on atomic particles are much greater in comparison, due to the fact that they are much denser, and that gravity is a pushing type force explained by Le Sage and others. According to conventional theories of gravity, the gravitational force would be millions of times too weak to cause atomic particles to be attracted to each other. Using Le Sage's push theory of gravity however, the attraction between the particles can be explained due to the fact that atomic particles are much denser than our astronomical bodies. The illusion of electric charge is actually the caused by the attractive forces between atomic particles. There is no repulsive forces between particles. The illusion of repulsive forces can be explained entirely be the attractive forces between all atomic particles.
Repulsive atomic, electric, and magnetic forces are an effect of attractive forces between atomic particles.
In Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment, popular belief reasoned that repelling forces were the cause of the deflection of the alpha particles. In hindsight, it is actually the attractive forces between the particles which cause this deflection. Because the value of the force is essentially the same, it would be hard to distinguish between an attractive and repelling force in this experiment.
There are no 'point-like' particles. All particles have mass and dimension.
This is true for any atomic particle. Point like particles are mathematical idealizations, and have no place in the physical reality.
The orbital periods of the planets in our solar system did not form by chance.
The planetary period of our solar system's planets are well defined, and may yet be in transition to a final state in which all other singular stars (solar systems) will form. There are many theories and studies regarding this, Titius-Bode Law, The Quantization of Orbits of Planets, and Quantum Mechanics Describes Planetary Orbits just to name a few.
The final state of planetary orbits in our solar system will be appropriate the orbital states of the planetrons within the hydrogen atom.
The solar system, like all stellar systems, is constantly evolving. The current age of our solar system is analogous to just a split second for a hydrogen atom. There may now just be a tiny difference between the periods of our solar system planets, and the line spectra of hydrogen, but in time, the planets of our solar system will exactly coincide with the spectral lines of hydrogen.
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Although the AAM presents new radical ideas vastly different from the standard model and quantum mechanics, I do not seek to falsify or dispute the experimental results obtained by pioneers in the area of physics, but only present an alternative explanation of the experimental results. Some of these results date far back to the time when we were just learning about the atom. Thus, since many more conclusions were based off of these incorrect interpretations of early experiments, it compounded the mis-understanding of our ideas and concepts of the atom, and we wound up in the state we are in today. Since most of today's prevalent atomic theories are based on these assumptions, the theories try to find ways of dealing with inconsistencies and end up diverting from common sense more and more. The AAM is free from the confines of accepting these early interpretations as basic truths or laws, and with the alternate interpretations, present a much more intuitive theory for atomic phenomena.
